• Physics Investigatory Projects For Class 12 Cbse Free Download On Logic Gates

    Physics Investigatory Projects For Class 12 Cbse Free Download On Logic Gates

    Cbse class 12 physics projects pdf, 12 physics project logic gate pdf, cbse logic gates project preface, physics investigatory projects for class 12 cbse on logic gates pdf download, Title: cbse 12th physics investigatory project with observations.

    1 P a g e CERTIFICATE This is to certify that of class XII has satisfactorily completed the project on “LOGIC GATES” under the guidance of during the session 2013-2014. 2 P a g e VALUED BY TEACHER EXTERNAL EXAMINER PRINCIPAL 3 P a g e DATE: ACKNOWLEDGME NT I'd like to express my greatest gratitude to the people who have helped & supported me throughout my project. Pkzip25 self extracting exe file. I’ m grateful to our school’s PHYSICS faculty I thank for her continuous support for the project, from initial advice & encouragement to this day.

    Special thanks of mine goes to my colleagues who helped me in completing the project by giving necessary information on the apparatus used in this experiment, made this project easy and accurate. 4 P a g e I wish to thank my parents for their undivided support & interest who inspired me & encouraged me to go my own way without which I would be unable to complete my project. At last but not the least I want to thanks my friends who appreciated me for my work & motivated me. CONTENT.Introduction. Experiment 1. Aim 10 5 P a g e 2.

    Apparatus 10 3. Procedure 16 5.

    • For reference. Class 12 CBSE. LOGIC GATES AND INTEGRATED CIRCUITS 20 Logic Gates INTRODUCTION A logic gate is an elementary building block of a digital circuit.
    • Hi Friends, I am sharing my brothers CBSE Class 12 Physics projects on the topic - Logic Gates. This is a detailed project report submitted by him in.
    • Download for class 12 cbse, project on logic gates for class 12 pdfect on logic gates for class 12 pdf, free download physics investigatory projects for.

    Circuits Prepared 22 6. Observations 24 7.

    Result 26 6 P a g e Bibliography 27  INTRODUCTION Logic Gates: A gate is a digital circuit that follows curtain logical relationship between the input and output voltages. Therefore, they are generally known as logic gates — gates because they control the flow of information. The five common logic gates used are NOT, AND, OR, NAND, NOR.

    Each logic gate is indicated by a symbol and its function is defined by a truth table that shows all the possible input logic level combinations with their respective output logic levels. Truth tables help understand the behavior of logic gates. (i) NOT gate (Inverter) This is the most basic gate, with one input and one output.

    Produces a ‘1’ output if the input is ‘0’ and vice-versa. That is, it produces an inverted version of the input at its output.

    A Y=A’ 0 1 7 P a g e 1 0 (ii) OR Gate An OR gate has two or more inputs with one output. The output Y is 1 when either input A or input B or both are 1s, that is, if any of the input is high, the output is high. A B Y=A OR B(A+B) 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 (iii) AND Gate An AND gate has two or more inputs and one output. The output Y of AND gate is 1,only when input A and input B are both 1. It kind of looks for the minimum of the two signals. A B Y=A AND B(A.B) 0 0 0 0 1 0 8 P a g e 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 Some Basic Logic Gates and Their Truth Tables  Circuit diagrams  AND GATE  OR GATE  NOT GATE  Experiment AIM To design and simulate basic logic gates and to design an appropriate logic gate combination for a given truth table. APPARATUS  A project board  Two N4007 diodes  Two LED  A 9v battery with a connector  Two BPJ-BC547 transistors  Two 100, three 560 resistors  Connecting wires  THEORY The three basic logic gates and their combinations are the building block of the digital circuit.

    OR gate A B A + B The OR gate is an electronic circuit that gives a high output (1) if one or more of its inputs are high. A plus (+) is used to show the OR operation. CIRCUIT DIAGRAM: 2. AND Gate A A.B B The AND gate is an electronic circuit that gives high output only if all inputs are high CIRCUIT DIAGRAM: 3.

    NOT Gate The NOT gate is an electronic circuit that produces an inverted version of the input at its output. It is also known as an inverter. A A’ CIRCUIT DIAGRAM: 0 1  PROCEDURE  Design of basic logic gates.  DESIGN OF AND GATE COMPONENTS: Two p-n junction diode, A LED, A 100 resistors CONSTRUCTION: An AND gate can be realized by connecting the diodes as shown in the figure. A resistance of 100 is connected in series with the LED to prevent its malfunction. PROJECT BOARD CIRCUIT: GROUND HIGH  DESIGN OF OR GATE COMPONENTS: Two p-n junction diode, A LED, A 100 resistors CONSTRUCTION: An OR gate can be realized by connecting the diodes as shown in the figure.

    Here also there is a need for a 100 resistor in series with LED PROJECT BOARD CIRCUIT: DESIGN OF NOT GATE COMPONENTS: A transistor, two LEDs, three 560 resistors. CONSTRUCTION: not gate circuit can be realized by connecting an NPN transistor as shown in the figure.

    The base of the transistor is connected to the input through resistance of 560 and emitter is connected to the negative terminal. The collector is connected to the positive terminal and the output voltage at collector is with respect to negative. PROJECT BOARD CIRCUIT: 1 2 3 Ground High line 1=2=3=600  Logic gate combination for given truth table 1. Write product term for each input (minterm), Combination where Boolean function has output 2. While writing minterms, complement the variable whose value is 0 otherwise write it in the direct form (without complement). Add all the minterms to obtain the Boolean function. Draw the circuit using basic LOGIC Gates.

    So we, choose the given Truth Table. A B Y=A.B Y’ 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 The Boolean Function F(x,y) is obtained as: F(x,y)= X’.Y’+X.Y’+X’Y = Y’+X’Y = (X’+Y’)(Y+Y’) = X’+Y’ = (XY)’ So, our expression reduces to that of a NAND Gate logic (Not of AND). LOGIC CIRCUIT IS: F=(x.y)’ x CIRCUIT DIAGRAM High line Ground  Circuits Prepared:-  AND gate  OR gate  NOT gate  NAND gate  OBSERVATION S 1. Stimulation of AND gate The following conclusions can be easily drawn from the working of electrical circuit: a) If both switches are open (A=0, B=0) then LED will not glow, hence Y=0. B) If Switch one switch is open and the other is closed (A=1, B=0 or A=0, B=1) then LED will not glow, hence Y=0. C) If switch A & B both closed (A=1, B=1) then LED wi ll glow, Hence Y=1. Stimulation of OR gate The following conclusions can be easily drawn from the working of electrical circuit: a) If both switches are open (A=0, B=0) then LED will not glow, hence Y=0.

    B) If Switch one switch is open and the other is closed (A=1, B=0 or A=0, B=1) then LED will glow, hence Y=0. C) If switch A & B both closed (A=1, B=1) then LED wi ll glow, Hence Y=1. Stimulation of NOT gate a) If switch A is open (i.e. A=0), the LED will glow, hence Y=1. B) If Switch A is closed (i.e. A=1), the LED will not glow, hence Y=0. Stimulation of NAND gate a) If Switch A & B open (A=0, B=0) then LED will glow, hence Y=1.

    B) If Switch A open B closed then (A=0, B=1) LED will glow, hence Y=1. Warriors orochi z save game editor. C) If switch A closed B open then (A=1, B=0) LED will glow, hence Y=1. D) If switch A & B are closed then (A=1, B=1) LED will not glow, hence Y=0 Re sul t: Basic logic gates were designed and simulated and logic circuit was prepared for the given truth table BIBLIOGRAPHY:-  Wikipedia  Electronic devices and circuits by J B Gupta  Conceptual physics by G C Agarwal  Encarta.

    Physics investigatory project on logic gates for class 12 pdf download Boolean functions may be practically implemented by using electronic gates. The following points are important to understand. Electronic gates require a power supply. Gate INPUTS are driven by voltages having two nominal values, e.g. 0V and 5V representing logic 0 and logic 1 respectively. The OUTPUT of a gate provides two nominal values of voltage only, e.g. 0V and 5V representing logic 0 and logic 1 respectively.

    In general, there is only one output to a logic gate except in some special cases. There is always a time delay between an input being applied and the output responding. A logic gate is an elementary building block of a digital circuit.

    Most logic gates have two inputs and one output. At any given moment, every terminal is in one of the two binary conditions low (0) or high (1), represented by different voltage levels. The logic state of a terminal can, and generally does, change often, as the circuit processes data. In most logic gates, the low state is approximately zero volts (0 V), while the high state is approximately five volts positive (+5 V). There are seven basic logic gates: AND, OR, XOR, NOT, NAND, NOR, and XNOR. The AND gate is so named because, if 0 is called 'false' and 1 is called 'true,' the gate acts in the same way as the logical 'and' operator. The following illustration and table show the circuit symbol and logic combinations for an AND gate.

    (In the symbol, the input terminals are at left and the output terminal is at right.) The output is 'true' when both inputs are 'true.' Otherwise, the output is 'false.' You have selected one or more posts to quote. Image Verification Please enter the text contained within the image into the text box below it. This process is used to prevent automated spam bots. (case insensitive) Possibly Related Threads. Thread Author Replies Views Last Post Guest 661 8 hours ago: Guest Guest 21 11 hours ago: Guest Guest 222 Today, 06:31 AM: Guest Guest 25 Yesterday, 10:19 PM: Guest Guest 167, 07:53 PM: Guest Guest 21, 10:14 AM: Guest Guest 39, 12:49 PM: Guest Guest 403, 07:25 PM: Guest Guest 724, 07:24 PM: Guest Guest 46, 10:09 PM: Guest.

    Physics Investigatory Projects For Class 12 Cbse Free Download On Logic Gates